Fourth Grade
Ms. Delaney
Ms. Allison
Ms. Allison has been at PS 329Q for 6 years, working with 3rd and 5th grade. She is currently the grade leader with an awesome team of fourth grade teachers. Before joining the wonderful community at PS 329Q she was in East Harlem for 4 years also working in grades 3-5. Ms. Allison loves to travel and do her nails.
Ms. A
Ms. Rodriguez
Mrs. Alburquerque
Math and learning is all around us. The way we access it is what makes us special and unique.
Homework Policy
Students are expected to write down their homework each day in class in their homework planner. However, the homework that remains constant each night is:
- Read EVERY night for 40-45 minutes from your book baggy books and log a reading entry in Google Classroom.
- Study for your fact challenge!!! (Every Friday, students take a fact challenge in math class).
As for written homework, it will vary every week depending on the teacher and class your student is in.
What you can do at home?
Que puedes hacer en casa?